Polymeric bushing insulator of 10 kV IPEL 10-5-045-00 UHL1 or UHL2

полимерный изолятор проходной 10 кв ипэл 10-5-045-00 ухл1 или ухл2 чертеж


Rated operational voltage, kV 10
Type L1, mm L2, mm L3, mm L4, mm D Rated current, A Rod Material Weight, kg
IPEL 10-5-045-00M 415 35 130 50 М20 630 Cu 3,1
IPEL 10-5-045-25M 440 35 155 50 М12 250 Cu 2,6
IPEL 10-5-045-50M 405 35 130 40  М12 250 Cu 2,4
IPEL 10-5-045-80M 510 70 170 70 М30 1000 Cu 5,0

To order a product of climatic modification UHL1 (*NF) at the end of the tittle, add the letter "C" and be sure to coordinate this with manager.