Signal voltage converter PNS-01 UHL3.1

PNS-01 UHL3.1 is designed to replace voltage transformers (VT) of class 6-35 kV, used in protection and automation circuits.

The transducer includes:

  • converter unit, 1 pc.;
  • resistive communication electrode (sensor), 3 pcs.;
  • set of connecting cables.

The converter is designed as a linear amplifier of a weak signal coming from standard carry electrodes relative to body. The output signal can be also removed relative to the body. The amplifier has a current limit.

The converter has a 1.5 kV galvanic isolation between signal circuits and auxiliary power source. The advantages of this device are:

  • has lower cost, weight and dimensions compared to VT;
  • there are no resonance issues that can occur in VT;
  • lower measurement error of 1%;
  • no need to disconnect the device during high voltage tests;
  • reliable performance in networks with large voltage surges, high percentage of harmonics, for example, in contact network of Russian Railways;
  • reason determination for lack of voltage in a network phase with isolated neutral in case of short circuit to ground or voltage disconnection from the supply center.

PNS-01 UHL3.1 is often used for modernisation of individual cells, small objects, and transformer substations, where no VT existed despite of the fact that project required presence monitoring and voltage magnitude. In other cases it is used for new projects where commercial accounting is not needed. The output signal power of the PNS-01 is sufficient for the relay load of one or two cells.

Carry electrodes are made in form of insulator unit class 6-35 kV. On our web-page you can see design drawings of resistive carry electrodes.


Technical Specifications

Title Value
Frequency range of operating voltage, Hz From 50 to 60
Rated input voltage, kV 6-35*
Rated output phase voltage, V 100/√3
Output voltage error, % 1,0
Rated load current, mA 10
Supply voltage AC / DC, V 160-250/200-350
Operating temperature range of ambient air, ° C from - 40 to + 45
Converter block dimensions, mm 123×123×202

* Depending on the version of used carry electrode